- Real estate agent - 85%
- Yard sign - 63%
- Internet - 80%
- Newspaper - 55%
- Home book/magazine - 34%
- Open house - 47%
- Builders - 26%
- Television - 11%
- Relocation company - 5%
Did you know?. . . the typical FSBO home sold for $187,200 compared to $247,000 for agent-assisted home sales.
FSBO Methods Used to Market Home
- Yard Sign . . . 51%
- Friends/neighbors . . . 53%
- Newspaper ad . . . 31%
- Open House . . . 29%
- Listing on the Internet . . . 22%
Most Difficult Tasks for FSBO Sellers
- Getting the right price . . . 11%
- Understanding paperwork . . . 16%
- Preparing/fixing up home for sale . . . 18%
- Attracting potential buyers . . . 9%
- Having enough time to devote to all aspects of the sale . . . 9%
Source: 2006 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers